In Akkadian and Sumerian mythology, an invisible, demonic vampire, that attacks its victims (men) at night while they sleep. Is a female house-spirit that lives behind the stove in Belarusian and other slavic folklore. Chinese monster from ancient text of Shan-hai Ching, a goat with nine tails and four ears, with its eyes on its back. —. Sometimes, Shatans have died from attacks of evil spirits and beings. According to Japanese belief, small crustacean-like yōkai which resemble shrimp with long body, a bird-like beak, and two scissor-like claws. Язычество древних славян. Registered users see this site without ads, can add comments without checking, write in the blog and on the forum, and can customize the site’s interface for themselves. According to Irish folklore, the dangerous water-horse. An ancient vampiric demon from Hasidic lore, looks like a beautiful woman with a face suggesting nothing but pure innocence. In Belarusian folklore is unmarried Domovoy’s daughter who seduces human folk and has sexual intercourse with them. Shatans[1] are odd-looking creatures of Belarusian mythology. An small disease-bearing ugly rat-like creature from Mapuche mythology. Цыбулькин В. В., Сивальнёв А. Н., Сердюченко М. Н. In Turkic and Mongolian (usually neighboring Slavic) folklore an evil spirit or demon, similar to slavic chort. According to Manx folklore, particularly noxious type of goblin, adept at shape-shifting. But Shatans cannot communicate with anyone in a normal way, even with each other, and in case of trouble they don't rescue and help one another.[2]. From Belarusian Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales", Minsk, "Piatrus Brouka Belarusian Encyclopedia" Publishing House, 2008, Boris Rybakov. A demonlike variant of a normal unicorn, coming to the Witcher world from another dimension. Ancient Slavic Paganism. Zlydzens play their nasty tricks in groups because, like many other small and harmful creatures, they are cowards and are afraid to act alone. According to local Japanese belief, a mermaid-like three-legged yōkai with a mixture of human and fish features. A class of monstrous dog-faced humanoids in the traditions and legends of the Native Australian people. Is Arabian bird which makes its nest from the fruits of the cinnamon tree. Ancient Slavic Paganism. Zlydzens play their nasty tricks in groups because, like many other small and harmful creatures, … A vampiric being in Ewe folklore (Togo and Ghana), taking the form of a firefly. As Shatans are also known as cowardly creatures - they hide or run away from offenders. According to japanese beliefs, a rare yokai with a large ugly head like a potato or a stone, wearing a straw-woven raincoat. — К.: ЧП Зеленский В. Л., 2016., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 28 October 2020, at 00:39. In Albanian popular belief, a snake-like creature that sleeps throughout the year and opens its eyes only on Saint George's day. Язычество древних славян. Unfortunately, Slavic mythology originated in the days when writing was not a norm, and because of this it has never been recorded officially by Slavs but rather by Christian Chroniclers. According to Belarusian folk beliefs, a creature living in a hut, invisibly wandering at night on the walls and lulls children to sleep with... Is demonic creature in Haitian folklore described as animals with red eyes or men without skin. According to Zulu folklore, a mythical people of dwarfs who move under the tall grass and sleep in anthills. Is spirit of child abandoned to die which returns to suck the blood of its relatives in Inuit mythology. The Highland water-horse, is perhaps the fiercest and most dangerous of all the water-horses.

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