You can sell them to her for 300 bits. When you first appear you see Justicmon and he runs away, then you meet and fight him at Control Island, he says he will fight you again, you will get a Digimail off justicemon saying to meet him at Control Island again, he appears saying he didn’t send the mail, IceFugamon is the culprit, you prove it was him by clicking the correct option, then Justicemon comes to Floatia. She'll buy pirate stuff off of you. He will boost your partners’ mood if you speak with him at night. He’s level 48 and very tough to kill. Once a day if you go near him you'll have to fight a group of veggie troups until you defeat Rosemon. Talk to him to initiate a fight. Digimon that work: BanchoLeomon, Leomon, GrapLeomon, Angemon, Gargomon, Digimon that don't work: Garudamon, Chaosmon, WereGarurumon, Hackmon, MirageGaogamon, Digimon that work: BanchoLeomon, MagnaAngemon, Omegamon, Jesmon, Gallantmon (CM), Digimon that don't work: Leomon(? These two are found in the Corpseway at the bottom of Bony Drive. Towards the mid-way point of Chapter 2 Seraphimon appears in Dead End Town. Increases your digimons' lifespan by 12hrs for 60 sec of time. Learn The Most Powerful Attack Skills In Digimon World: Next Order, Materials Location Guide – Where To Find All Materials, How To Earn Quick Money (Bits) In Digimon World: Next Order, Digimon World: Next Order Digivolution Conditions Guide, Digimon World: Next Order Attack Skills Moves Guide, How To Make Digimon Lose Weight In Digimon World: Next Order, Watch Dogs Legion – Decide Skye Larsens Fate – Kill Or Upload. As soon as you leave the city he’ll challenge you to a fight. This guide provides detailed information on how to recruit all 131 Digimon in Digimon World: Next Order. Talk to him in Frozen Divider and he'll digivolve to Lucemon FM and battle you. It is a fight you need to win in 60 seconds so don’t be afraid to pop an attack booster to win. I haven’t tried it but the three grams one should work with 1x DigiStalk, 1x Meat and 1x Frostcut Mushroom. Pick it up and give it to Antylamon to get him to join your city. After recruiting WereGarurumon and Myotismon she'll be in Corpseway. Leonmon will be in the Colosseum. Win and he'll digivolve to FM and fight you again. After talking to her, you'll be able to find special search points around MOD Cape that let you find various pirate items. Answer correctly and they'll both join. Win and he'll join Floatia. Not sure what he gives you in return. Requests a magma lozenge, which can be found at a special search point in Logic Volcano - Fire Wall, near the Garbage Pile entrance. Lets you play the roll dice minigame for luck coins.
You'll first encounter him at Power Plant #2, but he'll move to Power Plant #1. Gives bonuses based on your earnings in the stock market. You can find MegaSeadramon in MOD Cape, he’s on the deck of the second boat on the MOD Ship 1.0 map. The answers are Bony Resort, 4 horns, and Terriermon. I used Frostcut Mushroom x2 and Meat x1. YOUR FATED RETURN TO THE DIGITAL WORLD! Upgrade the farm to Lv2 to get 4 per day. Makes your digimon's hunger go away for free. Return to the Desert entrance and you can recruit Veemon by fighting him. Patamon is right outside the Floatia exit. Approach him for to initiate a cutscene and a battle against Myotismon and VenomMyotismon. Digikoi can be a bit hard to find, but all the fish can be fished from Nigh Plain Vast Plateau. Pretty Stone is located in Flag MOD Ship near the Captain's Cabin entrance. Return to Leomon and he will tell you he needs info Orgemon has. Talk to him and he will join you if you already have Garurumon in your city. Find an item, bring it back. They will both have digivolved to Greymon (blue) and Garurumon (black). There is another when you leave the cabin, on the deck of MOD Ship 3.0, one inside the Captain’s Cabin and one on the MOD Ship 3.0 map. then "Some digimon enjoy the freedom" then "You could come just to help out in emergencies" and he'll ask for 10k luck coins. Asks for luck coin donations. Return to Jijimon to report and you will clear this EX Scenario. Return to Lillymon and she will also join you in town. Give it to MegaKabuterimon (blue) and he'll fill in the holes, Magiforcepine (GranKuwagamon digivolution stone). Talk to him at he'll challenge you to a fight, but he'll make you start with 1/5 of your HP/MP, so bring some good healing items. You need to beat him in under 60 sec and then he'll join. MachGaogamon is on Boulder Island and all you have to do is beat him to have him join. They respawn after a certain amount of time. Gives 5 auto-pilots every 5 times you use the sender if you talk to her. Return to Jijimon's house for a cutscene to learn of Kuzuhamon's location. Opens the Dojo and tells you how close you are to meeting digivolution requirements. Titamon wants a "sinister digivolution core", in other words a dark type digivolution core, supposedly. Bring the item back to GrapLeomon and he'll join. Also, note that this guide is for the PS4 version of the game. This same recruitment information is also available earlier in this guide by area, but I wanted to post all the post-Chapter 5 recruitable digimon in one place for convenience as well. Once you beat Vikemon he'll give you the Holy Chalice. You can access the west half via the Palace of Thorns in Ohguino Wastelands, and the east half via MOD Cape (go through MOD Ship 3.0 -> Ship 3.0 Cabin -> Captain's Cabin -> Flag MOD Ship). Return to Floatia when you have met the prerequisites and you will get a digimail from Jijimon. Once have you have at least 1 rotten meat, you can also plant it in the fields in Floatia to get more each day. Speak to WereGarurumon in Bony Drive to start this quest. Thank you so much to the creators of the following recruitment guides, whose information was extremely helpful in supplementing my own experiences with the game in creating this guide. The entrance to this area is south of the Meaty Troops Fort on the lower area of Guts Wastes. It is also possible for him to ask you to lose three grams, but if he does just reload the save and try again for the five grams. Vegiemon and Lillymon can both be sent out to collect food from the garden.
Updated Agumon (black) and Gabumon (black) in the non-recruitable digimon section. Big thanks to Vinny Erickson-Holtze and LivingHell for their contributions. Can access from beginning. MOD Ship 1.0 has a fishing spot that works. Lets you replant food that day in exchange for recovery items. Recruiting digimon is a huge part of story progression in this game, but I realized there was no comprehensive FAQ out there with all the requirements for recruiting digimon, so I created this FAQ to help other fans of this great game.
Fugamon appears again and will offer valuable items in exchange for Conductor Lemons. After you win, report back to Meicoomon and she'll fight you as well. Bony Drive Talk to him and he'll ask you bring him a Large Double Disc (Guardromon in Floatia can make these). Lets you play the triple roll dice minigame for luck coins. Enter Jijimon's house for a cutscene. Talk to Terriermon and Lopmon near the entrance to the Corpseway from Bony Drive. Then go talk to MetalSeadramon to initiate a fight. When you get to certain trainer levels he will give you chips to help power up your Digimon. Tentomon is in the center of the area near the river by the hill. When you speak to Skullgreymon you will have to face him, he is level 20 and decently strong. Return to Wormmon and he will give you a fishing pole and join your town. You will need to have Myotismon in your city before Youkomon will talk to you. Talk to him to initiate a fight. You start all EX Scenarios by receiving a digimail when you meet various prerequisites throughout the game, so make sure to check the EX Scenarios section of your inbox! Talk to him and he will ask you to find Garurumon for him. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Talk to him to initiate a battle. I’ve handed in 10+ items so far and nothing, will update with more information. Garurumon will give you a random amount of bits each day and Wizardmon will teleport you to a random location based on the day for free. Head to Nigh Plains Cave Entrance near the MOD Cape entrance and talk to her. BanchoLeomon has a digivolution stone you can get randomly from Garudamon's 4 day treasure hunt (you need to upgrade the treasure hunter to unlock this hunt). Talk to one and choose who you think is the coolest between them and the other one will run away. Return to Meicoomon and he’ll give you another riddle. Take the warp straight back from where Piedmon and Myotismon were (between two buildings, near a red sign) to warp a couple levels up. Gives items if your digimon have 100 discipline and 0 mood. You can find him in Dead End Town. I included a somewhat chronological list of recruitable digimon for Chapte…