From Db, we move up one whole step to Eb. This scale consists of the pitches, F, G, A♭, B♭, C, D♭, and E♭. We will take a look at the three types of minor scale, the natural minor, melodic minor and harmonic minor scales. Perfect 8th: F (one octave higher) is the 8th note of the B natural minor scale. Its notes are Ab – C – Eb. To count up a Half-tone (semitone), count up from the last note up by one physical piano key, either white or black.
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Perfect 5th: The 5th note of the scale is C. Minor 6th: The 6th note of the scale is Db. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The F Melodic Minor is one of three F Minor scales, the other two are F Natural Minor and F Harmonic Minor.

You can memorize this formula to form any natural minor scale: whole step – half step – whole step – whole step – half step – whole step – whole step or w – h – w – w – h – w – w. (A whole step skips a key while a half step moves to the next key.) Amazon has a wide range of affordable keyboards and accessories. The second and fourth columns include short notations for the chords in the first and third columns respectively. This step shows the white and black note names on a piano keyboard so that the note names are familiar for later steps, and to show that the note names start repeating themselves after 12 notes. From Bb, let’s move a whole step to C. Next, we go up a half step from C to Db. Minor 6th: Db is the 6th note of the scale. Here’s the F natural minor scale on the bass clef. But since this is a scale in the key of F, it is certain that notes 1 and 13 will be used in the scale. For a quick summary of this topic, have a look at Melodic minor scale. Let’s now take a look at the melodic minor scale. The notes of the F melodic minor scale ascending are: F – G – A♭- B♭- C – D – E – F. The notes of the B melodic minor scale descending are: F – G – A♭- B♭- C – D♭- E♭- F. The formula for a melodic minor scale is W-H-W-W-W-W-H. It’s my favorite online course for learning how to play piano. While the harmonic minor scale raises only the seventh note of the natural minor scale by a half step, the melodic minor scale raises both the sixth and seventh notes by a half step. First, let’s define the melodic minor scale. The Solution below shows the F melodic minor scale notes, intervals and scale degrees on the piano, treble clef and bass clef. It also shows the scale degree names for all 8 notes. This scale is also some kind of peculiar since it is sometimes played differently ascending and descending. The relative major of F minor is Ab major. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The F Melodic Minor scale consists of seven notes. This melodic minor scale is based on the natural minor scale with the same key / tonic note - F# natural minor scale. The harmonic minor scale raises the seventh note of the natural minor scale by a half-step, when ascending and descending the scale. Be sure to check out the Piano For All piano lessons. Chord i: F minor. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The sixth note of a major scale becomes the root note of its relative minor. The melodic minor scale is a seven note scale. The 6th and 7th note positions (or scale degrees) of the minor scale are raised by one half-tone / semitone to arrive at the melodic minor scale note positions shown above. a treble clef), there is no possibility of having 2 G-type notes, for example, with one of the notes needing an accidental next to it on the staff (a sharp, flat or natural symbol). These note names are shown below on the treble clef followed by the bass clef. This step shows the reverse descending F melodic minor scale on the piano, treble clef and bass clef. The stave diagrams above show the scale notes without a key signature, with the sharp / flat adjustments inserted before each note on the staff. Use notes from the scale in the diagram above. Gb). Chord iv: Bb minor. Minor keys and their relative major make use of the same notes.

This step tries to give assign names to the piano keys identified in the previous step, so that they can be written on a note staff in the Solution section. Let’s try this with the F minor scale. These can be described as intervals, as semi-notes or steps on the guitar fingerboard, written as 2 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 from the first note to the next octave. This step shows the F melodic minor scale degrees - tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading note / tone, and octave. The first variation for descending notes is to just reverse the ascending notes and note names as shown below.

Major 2nd: G is the 2nd note of the scale. Tonic: F is the 1st note of the F natural minor scale. Or, Alternatively by the following intervals: w-h-w-w-w-w-h *w=whole step // h=half step* The only difference between the Melodic Minor Scale and the Major Scale is the third scale degree. The Melodic Minor Scale is defined by the following scale degrees: 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7. This step applies the melodic minor scale note interval pattern starting from F, so that the correct piano keys and note pitches can be identified. Here’s the F harmonic minor scale on the bass clef. © 2009-2020 If the natural white note can be found in the scale note, the scale note is written in the Match? Let’s now learn how to form the F sharp melodic minor scale. This step shows the F melodic minor scale on the piano, treble clef and bass clef, using the. This step shows the ascending F melodic minor scale on the piano, treble clef and bass clef. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Here’s the F harmonic minor scale on the treble clef. This melodic minor scale is based on the natural minor scale with the same key / tonic note - F natural minor scale. Chord III: Ab major. In the melodic minor scale, the 7th note is called the leading note or leading tone because the sound of the 7th note feels like it wants to resolve and finish at the octave note, when all scale notes are played in sequence. The melodic minor scale uses the  W-H-W-W-W-W-H  note counting rule to identify the scale note positions. Its notes are C – Eb – G. Chord VI: Db major. Its notes are Eb – G – Bb. Here’s a diagram of the F natural minor scale on the treble clef. Next, we move a whole step from Ab to Bb. , but obviously the note names will be different for each scale / key combination. column. This step shows the notes when descending the F melodic minor scale, going from the highest note sound back to the starting note, using the natural minor scale descending notes. Start the audio and play along! Major 7th: The 7th note of the scale is Eb.

column shows the melodic minor scale note names. Scale degree names 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 8 below are always the same for all major and minor scales (ie. It does this because in this scale, the 7th note is only 1 half-tone / semitone away from the 8th note - the octave note. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The descending formula is the natural minor scale formula backwards. The 1st note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 2nd note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 3rd note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 4th note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 5th note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 6th note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 7th note of the F melodic minor scale is, The 8th note of the F melodic minor scale is. For the Ab major scale, it’s  A♭, B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F and G. The difference is the root note of the two scales. The F Melodic Minor scale consists of seven notes.

This melodic minor scale is based on the natural minor scale with the same key / tonic note - F natural minor scale. The audio files below play every note shown on the piano above, so middle C (marked with an orange line at the bottom) is the 2nd note heard. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

Learn Scales & Music Theory & Give Yourself An Upper Hand, check out the Piano For All piano lessons. These cookies do not store any personal information. What is the difference between the F melodic minor scale and the F natural minor scale ? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Click here to learn how to play piano and keyboards (with Piano For All). This descending note variation is mostly used in non-classical music eg.
The F-sharp melodic minor scale has 5 sharps. To apply this rule, firstly list the white key names starting from the tonic, which are shown the White column below. Fingerings (Left Hand ): 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, Fingerings (Right Hand): 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

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