Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing agents:CO2, extinguishing powder or water spray. 05427ES–021 - enter the lot number 05427ES without the filling-code

To find more Potassium sulfide information like chemical properties, structure, melting point, boiling point, density, molecular formula, molecular weight, physical properties and toxicity information.

It is one of the most reactive and electropositive of all metals and rapidly oxidizes. Its molar mass is 72.17 grams per mole, and it is soluble in water. The symbol K originates from the Latin word kalium. System Maintenance Alert: Kratkiy himicheskiy spravochnik. In its elemental form, potassium has a silvery gray metallic appearance, but its compounds (such as potassium hydroxide) are more frequently used in industrial and chemical applications. Please join us and our customers and co-sponsors. following the words 'Lot' or 'Batch'. It is a transparent to dark green liquid.

pails, fiber and steel drums to 1 ton super sacks in full container (FCL) or truck load (T/L) quantities. Waste treatment methodsRecommendation:Must not be disposed of together with household garbage. search was unable to find the COA you are looking for, you will be In its elemental form, sulfur has a light yellow appearance.

If your

In case of intensive or longer exposure use respiratory protective device that is independent of circulating air.Protection of hands:Protective glovesThe glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/ the substance/ the preparation.Due to missing tests no recommendation to the glove material can be given for the product/ the preparation/ the chemical mixture.Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion and the degradationMaterial of glovesThe selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.Penetration time of glove materialThe exact break through time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be observed.Eye protection:Tightly sealed goggles, Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesGeneral InformationAppearance:Form: PowderColor: Light yellowOdor: Like rotten eggs (mercaptans)Odor threshold: No data available.pH: N/AMelting point/Melting range: no data °CBoiling point/Boiling range: no data °CFlash point: N/AFlammability (solid, gas): Product is not flammable.Ignition temperature:Decomposition temperature: No data available.Autoignition: No data available.Danger of explosion: No data available.Explosion limits:Lower: No data available.Upper: No data available.Vapor pressure: no data hPaDensity at 20 °C (68 °F): 1.805 g/cm3 (15.063 lbs/gal)Relative densityNo data available.Vapor densityN/AEvaporation rateN/ASolubility in Water (H2O): Insoluble.Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): No data available.Viscosity:Dynamic: N/AKinematic: N/ASolvent content:Organic solvents: 0.0 %VOC content: 0.0 g/l / 0.00 lb/glSolids content: 100.0 %Other informationNo data available.

to you upon submission of this form. See more Potassium products. 3.

The Drug Developments of Hydrogen Sulfide on Cardiovascular Disease. Potassium Sulfide is a moderately water and acid soluble Potassium source for uses compatible with sulfates.

Customer Service. In some cases, a COA may not be available on-line. K9. More important for COO: enter a "0" if only two numbers are Question? The maximum solubility rate of Potassium Sulfate is 120 grams per 1 liter of water at 25 °C. UN-NumberDOT, IMDG, IATAUN1382UN proper shipping nameDOT, IATAPotassium sulfideIMDGPOTASSIUM SULPHIDETransport hazard class(es)DOTClass4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustionLabel4.2IMDG, IATAClass4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustionLabel4.2Packing groupDOT, IMDG, IATAIIEnvironmental hazards:Marine pollutant:NoSpecial precautions for userN/ADanger code (Kemler):40EMS Number: F-A,S-JSegregation groupsAlkalisStowage CategoryASegregation CodeSG35 Stow "separated from" acids.Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC CodeN/ATransport/Additional information:DOTQuantity limitationsOn passenger aircraft/rail: 15 kgOn cargo aircraft only: 50 kgIMDGLimited quantities (LQ)0Excepted quantities (EQ)Code: E2Maximum net quantity per inner packaging: 30 gMaximum net quantity per outer packaging: 500 gUN "Model Regulation":UN 1382 POTASSIUM SULFIDE, 4.2, II. Potassium was discovered and first isolated by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1807.

In nature, sulfur can be found in hot springs, meteorites, volcanoes, and as galena, gypsum, and epsom salts. Facile fabrication of CuS/Carbon composites using lignosulfonate for efficient palladium recovery under strong acidic conditions. Sulfate compounds are salts or esters of sulfuric acid formed by replacing one or both of the hydrogens with a metal.

The liquid is highly corrosive to the skin and eyes. Reproduction of any materials from the site is strictly forbidden without permission.

Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as is a Reference Calculator for converting relevant units of measurement. Pricing & availability is not currently available. Solubility in water, glycerol, diethyl ether, ethanol, .

It will have a rotten egg like odor.

Potassium is the seventh most abundant element on earth. So readily oxidized as to be pyrophoric in air [Bretherick 1979 p. 120]. Typical and custom packaging is available. Registered Trademark. © 2020  Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. If you find a lot number with a filling-code such as The formula for potassium hydrogen sulfide is KHS.

More information about Potassium sulfate (K2SO4).

Type in Product Names, Product Numbers, or CAS Numbers to see suggestions.

in front of the letter e.g. The number of electrons in each of Potassium's shells is [2, 8, 8, 1] and its electron configuration is [Ar] 4s1. Ultrahigh-current-density niobium disulfide catalysts for hydrogen evolution. Another name for this inorganic compound is potassium hydrosulfide.

Potassium Sulfide is a moderately water and acid soluble Potassium source for uses compatible with sulfates. Enter email to auto receive SDS. Potassium polysulfide shows high aqueous solubility and can act as high energy density half-cells for secondary electrochemical storage systems.

It will have a rotten egg like odor. 1H251 Self-heating: may catch fire.GHS05 CorrosionSkin Corr. Immediately call a doctor.Information for doctor:Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedNo data availableIndication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNo data available. Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical substance called solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid, or gaseous solvent to form a solution of the solute in the solvent. This material contains potassium hydrosulfide in solution. ToxicityAquatic toxicity:No data availablePersistence and degradabilityNo data availableBehavior in environmental systems:Bioaccumulative potentialNo data availableMobility in soilNo data availableAdditional ecological information:Must not reach bodies of water or drainage ditch undiluted or unneutralized.Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT:N/AvPvB:N/AOther adverse effectsNo data available.

Contact with heat or acidic materials will evolve highly toxic hydrogen sulfide. © 1998-2020 American Elements. Ask an American Elements Materials Science Engineer, 2-(p-Toluidino)-6-naphthalenesulfonic Acid Potassium Salt, Molybdenum(IV) Disulfide, Iodine Intercalated, Publish your research on the American Elements website.

Nanocrystalline SnS2 coated onto reduced graphene oxide: demonstrating the feasibility of a non-graphitic anode with sulfide chemistry for potassium-ion batteries. American Elements produces to many standard grades when applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicable ASTM testing standards.

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