And in this part, we will learn everything about the buildings. 2 joueurs. Vous et votre adversaire jouez 2 cartes corps célestes par tour. Mais qui se cache derrière l'Etoile Noire ? At the top-right corner, tap on the map icon. Researching requires resources; Polymers, Antimatters. Subscribe Us, Give your suggestions – here. It’s very easy. Argentine Peso . Keep producing spaceships and send to attack enemy planets.
You can even spy and get details about the enemy planet(defensive units, loot) before the attack. À tel tour, compléterez-vous d’abord votre carnet OU votre télescope? r/Stellar is for news, announcements and discussion related to Stellar. At the cyber plant, you can produce defensive towers and protect your planet from enemy attacks. Another way to set-up defense is by building a bunker; just near the cyber plant, you can find it there. It costs you metal & polymer(depending on the unit type). Find and attack planets having low-power(as compared to yours). At this center, you can keep track of your fleets. Il y a en tout 1 utilisateur en ligne :: 0 Enregistré, 0 Invisible et 1 Invité Le record du nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne est de 2 le Dim 10 Mar - 15:02 Utilisateurs enregistrés : … USD.
Now, let’s start the Stellar Age guide(Complete) and after it, check out the Stellar Age tips, cheats & strategy guide below. $472.72. Just near the spaceport building, tap on the cyber plant and then choose production. Copyright©2020 Flat Prod. Radar alerts you about enemy attacks; for instance, if an enemy is approaching your planet, the radar will alert you.
En cliquant sur « je m'inscris », vous acceptez de recevoir nos lettres d’information et vous confirmez avoir pris connaissance de notre. START YOUR REAL TIME WAR FOR THE GALAXY: Build a strong spaceship army Work out the strategy: mix and match military and merchant battleships for better success Spy on and attack your opponents and set their planets on fire Blast area pirates on the galaxy map Dismantle destroyed opponent fleets: process ship debris into valuable resources to increase your wealth. Leur pouvoir se multiplie à votre série de collection dans votre carnet, mais uniquement pour le même type de corps célestes. Diggerman Cheats, Tips & Strategy Guide To Progress Fast, Best Way To Unlock All Characters In Disney Heroes Battle Mode, You have to increase your planet’s power; attack & defense, Why defense? 8 ans et + Âge.
Check out our Stellar Age guide, tips, cheats & strategy to progress fast. Stellar Age: MMO Strategy Cheats, Hints, Way to Modify, How to Use & How to Win.