On the other hand, consistent breeders of T. stirmi produce at lower temperatures. and a big water bowl for drinking. Ihr möchtet eine Katze aufnehmen? Before contacting the seller, you MUST read our Pet Buying/Adoption Checklist below. [1] Rudloff, J.-P. & Weinmann, D. (2010). Spiderlings can be fed 1/2" baby crickets about 2-3 times per week, and they attack those crickets with a surprising vengeance. Questions about FedEx shipping in COVID-19 era? Thrives in slightly humid and cooler conditions. Enclosures that are too small can have negative effects on a tarantula. Slings ~ $50-$100, Males ~ $100-$150, Females ~ $150+.
: (1) The correct pronunciation of ‘apophysis’ is a – pó – phy – sis, accent on the second syllable. They also grow to about 25-30cm in size and can live for 20-25 years.
"Burgundy" which wasn't a great choice for a working name as its not really the colour that distinguishes them apart. This is also a captive bred specimen most of them are wild caught. As with all tarantulas, spiderlings are more sensitive than adults.
Humidity. £50.
My young adult T. stirmi. If you can accommodate their needs, they'll provide you with years of entertainment. This is probably the most popular species in the Hobby. In captivity, temperature parameters for maintenance are often less stringent than for breeding, but probably best not to stray too far from these guidelines for optimal health. Can attain a legspan of 4 inches within a year. Also, due to the fact that these tarantulas are a bit skittish, you'll want to create an enclosure that doesn't require you to access it very frequently. The third photo shows one of the sac mates available.
It is interested to observe the changes of coloration of this giant from moult to moult as it can vary from jet black to pale orange. There is less agreement about temperature however. Theraphosa species were described in the following order: Theraphosa blondi (1804), Theraphosa apophysis (1991), and Theraphosa stirmi (2010). Thereaphosa stirmi had yet to be described (2010). Fortunately, because these tarantulas are such good eaters, feeding them is never a hassle. Tiere sind in 3.FH Geschlecht unbestimmt... Biete Nachzuchten aller drei Arten aus der Gattung.
Such massive tarantulas can easily become a prized staple of any respectable collection. Other colors appear, most notably burgundy red, carried mainly by leg and abdominal setae, and reddish purple iridescence, most noticeable on femurs. Many resources recommend temperatures in the neighborhood of 80F.
Captive-held tarantulas usually don't run into a lot of problems when it comes to their health.
Dein DeineTierwelt-Team. stirmi is a great alternative to the once-popular T. Sorry! Stock qty could be off due to Show sales, please note it. Arthropoda Scientia. Arachnoiden News and Updates Next ship day: Monday, November 9, 2020.
The sheer size of this tarantula combined with its great personality and interesting mannerisms make it a must-have display tarantula for any collector. Even as babies Theraphosa stirmi are still very impressive. Full Advert Details Female T.stirmi for sale about 6cm leg span. 3 cm 30 EUR, Member since Nov 2013 n/a n/a.
Sexed, mature adults go for substantially more than that, though.
To begin with, these are terrestrial tarantulas that love to create deep burrows. A new giant tarantula from Guyana. The enclosure should be wider than it is tall. While a lot of tarantulas of this species are quite calm, they're still wild animals and can act unpredictably. Ein Hundekauf sollte immer gut überlegt und keine spontane Sache sein. In stark contrast to their large, menacing appearance, Theraphosa stirmi is known as a relatively docile and skittish species. Female T.stirmi for sale about 6cm leg span. Five important questions to consider if you are interested in keeping a tarantula, If in a 12 month period their dogs give birth to. 4cm KL 40EUR 1.1 Poecilotheria rufilata ca 4,5cm KL 80EUR 1.0 Theraphosa stirmi ca. It is also not a docile pet, they have 1.5 - 2cm fangs and can strike a very painful bite. Theraphosa stirmi (The Burgundy Goliath Bird Eater) January 28, 2015 October 18, 2015 / cancerides. Species Info: Origin.
blondi. Required fields are marked *, Get exclusive pet tips, tricks, and fun stuff that we love :), About Contact Medical Disclaimer Terms Privacy. In 1991 Andreas Tinter bought an imported specimen labeled Pamphobeteus exsul. In our hands and other’s, T. apophysis shows less drought tolerance than most neotropical terrestrials. Your email address will not be published. We have now launched our new "Boost" feature.Click on the link below to boost this advert! Despite the higher price tag, for $100 this is one of the best tarantulas that you can purchase. Sexed, mature adults go for substantially more than that, though.
This makes it fairly middle of the road in terms of care, so beginner owners may need to take some caution when owning one of these. We may earn commissions from the links within this post.. Terrestrial. Kleinanzeigen im Tiermarkt: Informiert Euch vor dem Tierkauf und erfahrt, woran man unseriöse Angebote und Betrüger erkennt. Spiderlings go for less money, and can typically be found for between $50 and $100. The degree is akin to that of T. stirmi or T. blondi. In wild it inhabits very moist (even swamp) deep rainforests where it lives in deep burrows. Uniformly dark brown in body colour covered with dense short setae (hair) which gives it a beautiful suede appearance. Quite a docile tarantula that tends to lounge around a lot. FH 65 EUR 1.0.00 T. blondi Böcke in versch. 3.3.00 T. apophysis 4 cm 275 EUR 0.1.00 T. blondi KL ca. is such a large spiderling, its diet doesn't vary too greatly throughout its life. There are many other effective solutions. Females can live up to 20 years, while males often only live to 4 years. Um unsere Seite nutzen zu können, musst Du deshalb entweder jetzt Deinen Adblocker ausschalten – oder kannst alternativ mit unserem Service "Werbefreiheit" jegliche Werbung auf unserer Seite deaktivieren. Disposition. Biete eigene Nachzuchten von T.apophysis an. They feed on any capable sized prey: insects, small mammals, frogs, lizards and has also been recorded to feed on lethal venomous snakes (West, 1992).