The majority of the regimental assets are stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY.

In December 1989, Night Stalkers were called upon to spearhead Operation Just Cause — the liberation of Panama.

Two Night Stalker Black Hawks, Super 6-1 (piloted by Cliff Wolcott), and Super 6-4 (piloted by Mike Durant), were shot down in the battle.

[24][25], In July 2006, a pair of MH-47Es from 160th SOAR attempted to insert a combined strike element of DEVGRU, Rangers, and Afghan commandos in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, to attack a compound. Task Force 158 was the Army's only special operations aviation unit, and its members had already become recognized as the Army's premier aviation night fighters. The new unit was quickly recognized as the Army's premier night fighting aviation force, and its only Special Operations Aviation force.

After the 1980 Operation Eagle Claw attempt to rescue American hostages held in Tehran, Iran, President Jimmy Carter ordered former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. James L. Holloway III to figure out how the U.S. military could best mount another attempt.
In declaratives one might describe as debased Hemingway on speed, Tucker tags along for counter-IED (improvised explosive devices) patrols and zero-dark-30 (predawn) raids, capturing the adrenaline-laced urgency of urban combat against a hidden enemy. However, one Delta Force operator succumbed to his wounds.

All soldiers receive intensive training upon joining the 160th and are required to pass the Green Platoon course. Because of the nature of its mission, the 160th recruits women only for staff positions. A former Marine infantryman, Tucker follows the warriors of the 101st Airborne Division in Mosul and the 82nd Airborne and 10th Mountain Divisions in Fallujah during 19 weeks of urban warfare in late 2003 and early 2004. Commander: COL Scott D. Wilkinson The 160th SOAR is comprised of a headquarters company, a special operations training company and four aviation battalions.
Since that time, the 160th has become known as the “Night Stalkers” because of its capability to strike undetected during the hours of darkness and its impeccable performance around the world.

The United States Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), also known as Night Stalkers, is a special operations force of the United States Army that provides helicopter aviation support for general purpose forces and special operations forces. This engagement resulted in the downing of two MH-60 Blackhawks and became the subject of the book and film entitled Blackhawk Down. [19], During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, 3rd Battalion, 160th SOAR, deployed as the Joint Special Operations Air Detachment-West under CJSOTF-West (Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-West/Task Force Dagger). Today, the regiment is flying special operations missions in Afghanistan. The rescue was a success.

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