[250] When the media attempted to get answers from Ian Cameron, again MI5 interceded to ensure the mystery man was nowhere to be found. Thus, key abuse survivors like Richard Kerr along with all the key whistleblowing witnesses Colin Wallace, Brian Gemmell and Roy Garland unanimously opted out of testifying at Sir Anthony’s Historical Institutional Abuse scam because without statutory clout to compel MI5 witnesses, they knew it would result in just the latest cover-up installment. [240] Joseph de Burca, https://villagemagazine.ie/index.php/2017/12/blackmailed/. [209] Sarah Henderson, “Book by Murdered Lyra on MP’s Killing and Kincora Scandal to be Published,” Belfast Telegraph, June 9, 2019, https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sunday-life/book-by-murdered-lyra-on-mps-killing-and-kincora-scandal-to-be-published-38194561.html. See what lengths the pedo-cabal always goes to in order protect their own, ensuring that word of their larger global network never sees the light of day? Along with countless others, several years later it was Alan’s turn.

[165] During World War II Powell served as a military intelligence officer. At 71 years of age now, Eric Witchell has long been a free man quietly living out his golden years in London, never truly paying for his beastly sins against the Kerr brothers or his other victims nor for his pivotal pimping role within the Irish-English VIP pedophilia network. [92] Joseph de Burca, https://villagemagazine.ie/index.php/2019/09/blackmailed/. One Irish investigative writer documenting the plethora of missing children cases connected to ritual abuse around Ireland (north and south) is Jim Cairns, regarded as the Ulster satanic cult expert. Humans are being targeted for mass execution on the way to the Luciferian slaughterhouse. The totality of this book fully exposes this massive globalized pedophilia machine driven by the same malific forces behind Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism. [203] Once the Kincora administrators William McGrath, warden Joseph Means and assistant Raymond Semple’s trials were done and out of the way, MP Bradford intended to drop a major truth bomb, having uncovered the security services-VIP cover-up that would have had catastrophic ramifications for the UK pedo-Establishment. A Kincora related November 1981 murder that shocked Northern Ireland was the violent death of Ulster Unionist MP Reverend Robert Bradford. The episode implies that this was to protect the reputation of Britain’s intelligence forces. On October 28, 1973, Ian Paisley’s missionary council secretary Valerie Shaw informed Paisley that McGrath was sexually abusing underage boys. [205] “More on Lyra McKee’s Forthcoming Book,” https://villagemagazine.ie/index.php/2019/06/16544/. In 1971 he became the only person prosecuted under anti-religious hatred legislation, but again was acquitted for his hate crime. [256] Page 88 of the Hart Report reads: We are satisfied that it was not until 1980 [after the media exposed the Kincora scandal] that MI5, SIS, the MoD and the RUC Special Branch became aware that [William] McGrath [of Kincora] had been sexually abusing residents of Kincora when that became a public allegation.[257]. What’s glaringly missing from the piece is the larger Irish-English trafficking component that would implicate the Westminster government. In order to allow the criminal cabal to live the lie another day, the truth teller Colin Wallace gets thrown under the bus yet again, as if being framed on a bogus murder charge and imprisonment wasn’t enough, in 2017 he was branded a liar while powerful aging child sodomizers invariably live out their long unencumbered lives above the law, never having to pay for their egregious crimes, just as in every other scandal before and after covered throughout this book. [68] The two men and two boys arrived in Manchester where they boarded another train for London. I have always assumed they were senior figures from Whitehall. [9] Nearly a year later after the British voters chose to historically separate from the European Union, in early 2017, DUP comprised of Protestants and the opposing minority Sinn Fein party representing nationalist Catholics in NI were at loggerheads over numerous unresolved issues, including the pending Brexit conflict. [132] And Kincora warden-child trafficker Joseph Mains was a member of this circuit as well, and pivotal to supplying underage “working class” boys from the care system to British Establishment VIPs like Montgomery, Blunt, Oldfield and Mountbatten. Unlike MI6 boss Maurice Oldfield whose reputation was so tattered by Kincora exposure that Thatcher was compelled to relieve him of command in 1978, when MP Livingstone confronted her for her discrepant over-leniency towards Imrie, Thatcher was hard put to explain why this confirmed pedophile remained in good standing for many more years on the MI5 payroll.

[103] Cate McCurry, “Kincora Campaigner’s Fury after Abuse Evidence is Censored,” Belfast Telegraph, February 8, 2017, https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/kincora-campaigners-fury-after-abuse-evidence-is-censored-35432535.html. Outfits with checks appeal: The Sloane Rangers' favourite pattern is back - with a bold and colourful twist.

How long are we citizens of the world going to passively sit by, complicit in this grossest of all human injustices when the cold hard facts keep screaming in our face the ugly truth with every single passing scandal and cover-up? First Minister Robinson wanted all MI5 files on Kincora opened up and subject to thorough investigation by the IICSA, calling the rumors of MI5 turning its back on abused boys a “national scandal” in and of itself. [155] T.S. He certainly wouldn’t be the first. But less than three months later on a bold Australia 60 Minutes episode about Westminster pedophilia, Richard Kerr did start naming names. Again, this constitutes more evidence that smacks of obstruction of justice and controlled whitewash. After Richard Kerr’s 16th birthday in May 1977, Kincora warden Joseph Mains arranged for Richard to be working as a bellboy at the world famous Europa Hotel in central Belfast. Later Whitelaw was chosen by PM Thatcher to be her Deputy Prime Minister and Home Secretary from 1979 until 1983 when he was succeeded by pedophile Leon Brittan who continued the job of suppressing all Britain’s pedo-scandals while Whitelaw moved on as leader of the House of Lords from 1983 to 1988. In The Crown, Lord Mountbatten is summoned to the Bank of England for a meeting before inviting everyone to his home to give his response to the plot. [252] The state strategy was to overload the inquiry with 26 boxes of hundreds, if not thousands of documents,[253] yet the bottom line is the most crucial and no doubt incriminating archived files stay locked up till 2085.[254]. It’s important to also point out that despite most of the pedophilic focus centered on the “Kincora Beast” – housemaster McGrath during the 1970s, it was Joseph Mains who throughout the 1960s and 1970s was the Kincora warden and man in charge, both sexually abusing as well as pimping the boys to his close VIP friends like Maurice Oldfield. [28], Chronically abused in this British Isle network for a dozen years, Richard Kerr told Channel 4 News that two other boys trafficked to London with him his first time in February 1977 later ended up taking their own lives. Concluding that the bombs “quite literally blew me out of office,” by the end of April, 1969, PM O’Neill resigned. [12] Motivated and driven on so many levels – social, cultural, historical, economic, political as well as religious, Northern Ireland Catholics desire to end the gross disparity of wealth and power, while Brexit may paradoxically offer renewed hope for a one unified independent sovereign island nation of Ireland after many centuries of oppressive British Empire control. Rev. [6] Nicola Browne, “As Brexit Threatens to Widen Northern Ireland’s Divides, Activists Offer Hope for a more Equal Future,” inequality.org, March 25, 2019, https://inequality.org/research/brexit-northern-ireland-inequality/. It’s 1964, and the air in Buckingham Palace is rife with fear of communism as frustration with the tax-guzzling monarchy swells outside the palace gates. [264] Rebecca Camber, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2956442/MI5-halted-police-child-abuse-investigation-Victims-children-s-home-accuse-security-service-colluding-protect-abusers.html.

I think that’s why the authorities shut down the investigation into Kincora and covered up much of the abuse, because of the links to the Cambridge spy ring and, through them, the connections to the British establishment. [212] This tragic irony strikes too close to Robert Bradford’s grim murder committed also by IRA hitmen as MI5 hired guns. [182] And a few years later the MI5 agent was covertly defending (and protecting) his Shankill Gang’s satanic turf war atrocities. [114] Tom Gillespie, “Massacre Remembered: What is Bloody Sunday, what happened in Londonderry in 1972 and how is it Commemorated?” The Sun, April 4, 2018, https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2711727/bloody-sunday-1972-londonderry-troubles-northern-ireland/. [154] Yet the controllers have the masses convinced it’s only in the movies. [164] Jim Cairns, http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/news/europe/ireland/101600a.html. Princess Alice spent her final years living with her family in the Palace before her death in December 1969 at the age of 84. It is about people in power who tried to use boys like myself to gain leverage over others for political reasons during the Troubles. In episode four, the royal family take part in a documentary which sees cameras follow them during their day-to-day lives, to prove how 'normal' they are. Also on May 1, 1976, McKeague’s RHC made a daring raid behind enemy lines to the Republic of Ireland and senselessly killed 47-year old forestry worker Séamus Ludlow. The extraordinary memoir by newspaper editor and publishing boss Hugh Cudlipp, ‘Walking on Water’, recounts a 1968 plot by Cecil King, to bring down Harold Wilson and install an unelected government, with Lord Louis Mountbatten at the head. I find it heart-wrenching that security men could have been behind the abuse or involved in it … Because they were in positions of authority or supposed to be protecting the state, they get away with it.[262]. Blunt received far more than immunity from prosecution. At the time of the fictional newspaper interview, roughly 1969, Princess Alice was living at Buckingham Palace with her son and daughter-in-law after moving to the UK from Greece following the fall of King Constantine II and the imposition of military rule in 1967. But when Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979, she was furious at the leniency which with the country treated Blunt’s treason. memoir by newspaper editor and publishing boss Hugh Cudlipp, ‘Walking on Water’, recounts a 1968 plot by Cecil King, to bring down Harold Wilson and install an unelected government, with Lord Louis Mountbatten at the head. blackmail." In August 2014 even pedo-enabling First Minister Ian Paisley’s successor, NI’s then First Minister Peter Robinson was hounding for transparency from PM David Cameron just three weeks after pedo-enabling Cameron’s infamous last words to “leave no stone unturned…”[265] from one Cameron cover-upper to another. Yet to prevent it reflecting poorly on MI5 and MI6's competency in counterintelligence, he was offered immunity in exchange for a confession and cooperation in ongoing investigations. [192] Martin Dillon, pp. Prior to landing his bellboy job, Kincora staff would regularly drive him and his soon-to-be dead friend Stephen to the hotel where they would be plied with alcohol at the hotel’s Whip and Saddle Bar and then ushered to hotel guest rooms to sexually service the perverted whims of their sadistic pedo-masters.

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