- Fixed null background event id causing error flag with rapid dock - undock. - Added new notification for unlock of autopilot target. These modules function within the constraints of the physics engine, as well as their individual attributes. The DPS stat is calculated by dividing the cycle rate of the module by it's strength.
The map will no longer close the station panels when accessing the map while docked. These raw materials can be used to craft components, which in turn can be used to craft a large variety of game items.
- Adjusted galaxy map panning from slide to drag and drop. This page seems to lack content or has other shortcomings. - Fixed market list flicker when loading market. New blue prints and ui panels will be coming soon. - Fixed undock bug in welcome center using autodock. - Added runtime materials for all turret meshes. - Fixed bug with merc max count on reset. Faction rating plays a major role throughout the game play mechanics, as well as the side missions and story line missions.
Long story short, that bug being gone has improved the stability of the game as a whole. - Fixed manual flight control bug caused by new autopilot option.
I also have added a new feature that will allow you to preview the locations and distances involved when selecting a mission for the stations. Once the game reloads the pilot and the save, you will have all the data from your old pilot, imported into your new pilot. Adding a passive module to improve your turn speed could make all the difference. - Fixed command panel hotkey reference in mercs tutorial. - Adjusted Damage Resistance skill descriptions to match stats. Modifies your stability.
Build 94: Market update, bug, tweaks and tinkers. - Added new Advanced missile item and unique in game object. - Added new Heavy missile item and unique in game object. - Fixed bug preventing custom station images being loaded. Be careful when using this device around friendly factions. The attributes of the special generated items have also been adjusted. - Fixed solar sail colliders for all ships. This is new system that has been added to allow the player to manage their exploratory reach. Let me know if you run into any issues. - Fixed journal search bug returning skills in stations with no university open. - Fixed bad void raiders logo path. BUILD 0.0098 - Fixed null reference on structure takeDamage from dead npc. - Adjusted npc dialog box layout width. This video covers a number of tweaks and bug fixes for the latest build 98. Active modules are modules that appear on the ship, have a special UI button associated with them that allows for control of the module. Once the ore is deposited, the mercs will return to mining the closest available rock. New formation lock code, and improved auto tasking. - Fixed structure cargo transfer bug causing leftover icon on screen. In this video, I cover a few of the tweaks dealing with the economic generator, and the way that structures are used to calculate the base values of the sector economy.
- Adjusted Targeting panel list target items UI layer. Or you can take a more hands on approach, using WASD to manually fly the ship around. This option can be found on the Extras panel. - Adjusted ship engine lighting for better performance.
Keep their loyalty up, and you may convert an employee to trusted friend. - Added custom ship colors to hangar dock display. Is everything okay at Nexus? You can also remove any unwanted backups that you no longer wish to have listed. - Adjusted durability format for rounded numbers from combat dmg. - Fixed bug preventing correct frequency of special item drops. In devlog 73 for Astrox Imperium, I cover the new drag and resize panel for the mercs cargo bay. None the less, I give you build 94. Spawns a child for the specified parents. - Adjusted campaign map 99 (Semja). This recommended price is displayed in the ship editor, and the small arrow button will replace the current price with the recommend one. Shows tags and Ids, equivalent to charinfo in CK2. - Fixed mission pay limit bug. - Fixed set color null reference bug on map filter. BUILD 0.0099 - Fixed collision detection issues for uber high speed modded projectiles. declare_war [
- Added unique engine particle fx for all engines. This game will seem familiar to fans of the space survival / exploration game genre. - Fixed office button showing in structures without scripting for offices. - Fixed null reference bug on fleet drone commands. - Fixed text for basic light miner to generic. - Adjusted debug panel UI. Log in to view your list of favourite games. - Added ship light emission texture to ship models. - Fixed crossing mercs on gameload in station. It was tied to the journal panel, and not only caused the storage bug, but a number of other rare, hard to replicate bugs. - Adjusted dialog thumbnail code for better performance. BUILD 0.0091 - Fixed bug opening map inside of structure. - Fixed hideout raider spawn bug.
- Adjusted load and instantiation code for sector props.
- Fixed clipped text on mission objectives panel. To import an old pilot into a new game, follow these simple steps. It is currently unknown what causes wormholes to generate, but we do know it has something to do with concentrated energy. - Fixed -10 faction rating during kill pilot missions bug. Once docked with the ship, the drone will use the ship’s energy to recharge itself. - Fixed de-activated mercs payroll bug, now 25% instead of 100.
- Adjusted background skybox prop generation code for faster load. You can do so at your discretion without any time constraints.
- Adjusted missile thrust and turn homing ai. - Fixed ecm display stats in garage not showing updated buffs. These new changes should make things better for those with larger resolutions trying to read small text. You will need some basic mining lasers to get started. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. - Adjusted campaign map 107 (Daefore). - Fixed -1 cargo items bug on main cargo panel when empty. I have painstakingly revamped all the ship models after fixing a scaling bug that was causing some of the ship parts that were misaligned from their set positions in the editor. This will only take a minute or so. - Fixed Camera Drag option to affect the first person view inside structures. The main change to the system is that items that have little or no demand will not be rewarded with base value market prices when selling to the stations.
- Adjusted skills mouseover panel to match others. The color of the skybox background is based off of the UI color option that you currently have selected. It will be about 3 weeks until the next update / video. - Fixed bug with autopilot doubleclick option on raw object mesh. I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas, and for you travelers out there, stay safe. - Adjusted structure NPC dialog panel layout. - Fixed structure cargo error when dragging while fabricator is active. - Adjusted pricing when selling low demand items. The energy involved can take time to store up in the wormhole. I will be moving my house and family from Atlanta Georgia to the West Virginia mountains. Tyranny -10 would reduce it by 10. - Fixed market sell logs to show decimal values on small numbers. I have also added a small energy generator that can be used to power these structures. You ship comes equip with a food synthesis unit, and food items can be created in space using special food items. You can now upgrade the silo twice, to the max level of 3. - Fixed text display bug in social background event generator. - Adjusted the default rotation of ship image in editor. I also added the ability to pan the main camera by holding the right shift key and clicking and dragging. A few little bug fixes, and more on the way. After spending some time with the code, I was able to rewrite the parts that were making excessive loops and instantiating new variables. PREMIUM. - Adjusted NPC spawn code to handle new ammo items. - Added ability to drag resize dialog window box. - Fixed GOG userID check prior to stat submit, preventing soft error. You can access the images a station uses by going to the MOD/stations/images folder. Welcome to CheatingDome, your magical spot on the web for all the cheats, tips & secrets for your videogames We are publishing new cheats, hints and secrets every day since 1998. - Fixed station map closing all station windows. Wormholes use natural cosmic energy to warp a ship from one end of the wormhole to the other. - Fixed confirm button text for drone skill warning on market confirm purchase btn. - Added 5 unique sound fx for gun modules. The new addition of the Construction Platform will open up the ability for players to create, manage and maintain their own structures. Eventually, you will need to construct you own outpost to allow for safe docking when exploring the furthest reaches of the Astrox universe. I hope you guys enjoy it :) Wormhole Introduction Wormholes are a rare anomaly in the Astrox Universe. Activates yesmen (AI accepts all diplomatic proposals).
Learning to use these drones to maximize there abilities, and thus their profitability, will take some time.
This basic tractor drone can be used to relocate space objects remotely. The frequency of the drops will increase a bit with the new base calculations. It has a limited range, and a small cargo bay for storage. I have added the ability to disable the skill training timer. Maybe you want them to retreat to the station at the first sign of combat. I have made a number of changes to the way that the options code loads up the config file. - Adjusted weapon active turret base mobility stats. I will be sure to document the adventure for future videos. - Fixed warp drive fuel items being used as mission objects. - Fixed cargo storage panel bug when docking at structures.
- Fixed bug allowing you to refine without required credits. This Astrox Imperium mod adds the Blade, a Battle Frigate designed to provide Carriers and low-end Cruisers with decent protection against any strike craft that manage to punch through frontline forces. - Fixed bug station zoom behind panels while fabricator is running. ... Crusader Kings 3 Console Commands and Cheats List. - Added 5 unique sound fx for launcher modules.
Destroys all mercenaries on the world map, but does not prevent them respawning.
- Added new Advanced Cruise missile item and unique in game object. The story of the game will wait for you to interact with the characters that help to move it along. Many of the classic game play elements from the space game genre have been incorporated into Astrox Imperium. You can now drag the mission panel as well. Astrox Starwars mod - by uraniborg. Control specified territory by specified country.