It … The horde won't appear and I just want to finish the game, though I'm having issues with more than just this horde. The Days Gone subreddit. Days Gone is on sale right now. If you're still having trouble fast travel a fair distance away and ride back and the horde will have regrouped. I use a hit and run approach as I am not good at the taking them on head on. I’ve thrown attractors, blown things up, shot, and nothing. Oh i see thanks for the help i will continue with the current save then, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If you sleep at the nero checkpoint they despawn. It’s a great open world game that’s not so open world you get lost in side quests but not a game where you feel you’re on rails. 1). Am i f***ed? This will come in handy later. The only way around some of the glitches is through auto-save. Head towards the gate to enter the area with the NERO checkpoint. If you run to the other end of the tunnel, most of the remaining horde will stop chasing you. Will I just forever not be able to kill all the hordes? There are multiple areas here where you can bring down planks on top of the freakers heads here, so make sure to use the opportunities to slow them down, group them up and then lob an explosive. The release date of Bend Studio's new effort was postponed several times. Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else Days Gone related! Ideally, you should have already unlocked the NERO checkpoint at the Old Sawmill. Days Gone is developed by Sony Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The sawmill horde is part of the storyline, just advance and you’ll get to it. I have been using my vision to spot enemies and they are just not there. Days Gone, the new open-world action horror game from Sony’s Bend Studio is now officially available. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad.
Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else Days Gone related! i also blow some stuff up and slept in the nero camp then back to sawmill and still nothing should i reload my save ? Is there a way to get the horde back or something? Any ideas?
i also blow some stuff up and slept in the nero camp then back to sawmill and still nothing should i reload my save ?
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Clearing hordes is my least favorite aspect of the game I don't want to have to restart it. I seem to be missing the sawmill horde completely. The Days Gone subreddit. There’s another explosive barrel here you can use, but it can be tricky to manage, so focus on staying alive and healing. Maybe the sawmill horde will respawn or the game isnt going to recognize it's gone until you get to the point in the story where you have to take it out? You’ll be forced to fight this horde eventually as a part of a later story mission, but you can take it on earlier for a challenge. Born in the rocky mountains of western North Carolina, he has always had a passion for creative mediums and interactive media. ". They’re no where to be found.
If you have proximity traps, set them inside the tunnel entrance. The Player gets locked in Research Stations from ignoring enemies and dying inside the station. Step six: once you’re in the tunnel, the hordes of freaks will be very dense and closely packed together. Sometimes, they awaken separately. So I just spent an hour killing the horde at the the Old Sawmill and I get it to less than a quarter left and now they’re just gone. All the hordes on Highway are gone for me as well and the only time it seems like I can catch them (if I'm super lucky) is early in the morning when they're headed back to their cave, but once they go in, they're gone. It had some bugs imo none were shower stoppers and the dev has/is really good with patches. Sometimes I manage to awaken both halves at the same time. Really fun imo. Press J to jump to the feed. Run back up the stairs, get in the middle of the room, and aim at the red explosive barrel. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Focus on getting to the tunnel entrance, where the swarms will be forced to funnel into a tighter group. Before I took them out I killed two dog - and when I was kiting the horde he respawned. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Just reloading my last autosave which was only a few minutes old loaded the game up and reset the zombies to their normal gathering area. Have materials to craft more molotovs on the fly, you’re going to need them.
For Days Gone on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Sawmill horde not appearing". If you completed the horde before the mission starts it skips to the cutscene after the mission, essentially thinking you've already beaten the horde. Took a break for lunch.
Days Gone is developed by Sony Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It has been released for over a year and I bought it and finished it, here are my thoughts. The latest exclusivity of PlayStation 4 continues its exploitation with players thanks to Bend Studio which, as every week since early July, offers players... Days Gone is a title with "almost" unexpected success. Sawmill horde bugged need help Discussion i was doing the bounty mission then i saw the horde after 30 mins grind i killed the horde but horde killed screen doesnt pop any idea why ? So I just spent an hour killing the horde at the the Old Sawmill and I get it to less than a quarter left and now they’re just gone. I hope they just respawn I did that way to early and it wasn't fun, at least no where near the demo trailer showed it.
Are you on the mission to kill the sawmill horde? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. For Days Gone on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Sawmill horde is gone". C'est normal? The Days Gone subreddit. In fact, it had been scheduled... One of the fads of the moment is FaceApp, an application that can age, change gender and act in various other ways on your face. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Days Gone is a good first … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I had this exact problem about an hour ago. I made sure I knew where they all were before I attacked. The numbers are much more easy to take out with your guns now, so take out the stragglers. Congratulations! Make sure to save your game before you take on the horde. They’re no where to be found. The Days Gone subreddit. I had heard it had a lot of technical problems so waiting for patches seemed like the best thing to do. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. If anyone knows what would happen if you killed them first I would like to know.
Pull down these stacks of wood on top of the freakers chasing you to slow them down and bunch them up into larger groups you can take out with explosives. Climb into the window on the second floor. But we’ve got the low-down on how to get the upper-hand and prevail. It’s best to tackle it during daytime if you want the freakers to be gathered in one place. Clearing the mill is part of a story quest. As much as I hate it I may have to restart the checkpoint and hope it does not happen again, Your least favorite part of the game?!?
I've had that happen twice, just rekill them. It was worth $60 so $20 is a brainer. Ah - wonder what'll happen now I've already killed it.
Thanks. Whoa! Check out the links to follow us on social media, and stay tuned to the Spiel Times for everything Days Gone.
You can get over one hundred freakers dead in one go if you do this part right. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. If you exit from the right window of the main building (the opposite side to where you entered), there’s a path down a roof with some planks that you can climb down to avoid taking damage. SOLVED: Turned out I just needed to reload the last autosave I had and it started up with just a sliver of red left on the horde meter but it respawned the dozen or so freakers in their normal place and I was able to complete the quest. Does it matter what order you do quests in? I've been running into the same problem with other hordes would sleep till morning so they would be in the cave they go to but nothing and that's 3 caves 2 of them are right next to each other. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Mais je fais face à une multitude de bugs:- Cela m'affiche qu'il reste 3 jobs de camp - Topic Bug Horde et quête du 12-05-2019 16:33:59 sur les forums de Menu Mon compte At least, that worked for me. They’re no where to be found. Gather the supplies in this room if you need them and get ready. You’ll see the rest of the horde turn back and head back to the sawmill. I've had mixed results. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Why can't I bypass the horde at the Lava Cave? I need to finish this storyline to finish the game. Damn, I love clearing hordes.
Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else Days Gone related! Just passed thru the mission that I was supposed to take out the horde having it killed earlier in the game and once I get there it skipped straight to the cutscne as if I had just beaten them, I'm afraid it will glitch my save and I'll won't be able to get the trophy of defeating all hordes, after that I checked the area collectibles and it shows 0/6 hordes defeated, Seriously this is so frustrating it'll completely ruin my efforts of going to the platinum. The entire horde for me was in the main mill.
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