All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Leteratura; Cina; Funtanes. Li Bai, also spelled Li Bo, Wade-Giles romanization Li Pai or Li Po, courtesy name (zi) Taibai, literary name (hao) Qinglian Jushi, (born 701, Jiangyou, Sichuan province, China—died 762, Dangtu, Anhui province), Chinese poet who rivaled Du Fu for the title of China’s greatest poet. He had already begun to write poetry, some of which he showed to various officials in the vain hope of becoming employed as a secretary.

Li Bai was influenced by Taoism.

Li Bai’s poignant homage to two lovesick lovers, each one under a bright autumn moon, each feeling the clear autumn air, but separated, like fallen leaves briefly coming together and scattering again, like jackdaws, stealing moments together then parting. Why is Wang Xizhi important to Chinese art... What Are the Seven Elements of Art?

No official post was forthcoming, but he was accepted into a group of distinguished court poets.

Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). © copyright 2003-2020 Li Hong (Chinese: 李洪) is a messianic figure in religious Taoism prophecies to appear at the end of the world cycle to rescue the chosen people, who would be distinguished by certain talismans, practices and virtues.

He returned to eastern China, where he died in a relative’s house, though popular legend says that he drowned when, sitting drunk in a boat, he tried to seize the moon’s reflection in the water.

At age 24 he left home for a period of wandering, after which he married and lived with his wife’s family in Anlu (now in Hubei province). Like Du Fu, he spent much of his life travelling, although in his case it was because his wealth allowed him to, rather than because his poverty forced him. "A T'ang Canon" by Gilbert Wesley Purdy A book review/essay which includes an historical overview of T'ang Dynasty poetry and information about Li Bai.

It is no coincidence that a poet in India might mention Hinduism and a poet in Japan might mention Shintoism. Updates? Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.

Li Bai was a romantic in his view of life and in his verse. In the autumn of 744 he began his wanderings again. Open Directory Project category, Li Bai Poems, illustrated with Nature Photos, Li Bai's poems included in. It would be roughly equivalent to ask, "Was Chaucer influenced by Christianity?" No matter what culture they are raised in, many poets are influenced by the dominant religion in their country at the time. Li Bai was influenced by Taoism. answer! Create your account. Another candidate is Suiye in Central Asia (near modern-day Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan). Built in 1377, the tower stands on a hill overlooking the city.


This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Li Bai - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). However his family had originally dwelt in what is now southeastern Gansu , and later moved to Jiangyou, near modern Chengdu in Sichuan province, when he was five years old. Taoists believe in following life in its natural flow, what they refer to as an ‘effortless action’.

Is China the most densely populated country on Earth? Kuixing Tower (pictured above) is a historic tower in Guangshui, Hubei Province.

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