Or if you already know where the Rad Gordo is you can skip to the end as well. Both of them are sharable by right click on them . All known locations on the map World Map Akrokorinth Fort show the map ... 3 x Loot Treasure. All content, including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB D.O.O.

I cant open black pods when can i upgrade? If you don't know where it is read on.

All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You though that was it?! Treasure 2 is inside.

Teleport to the cave where the Gordo used to be.

1 x Find Ainigmata Ostraka.

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Indigo Quarry: Treasure Vault (21 Black Pods = 141 Gold Plorts) v1.0.1 - Navigation Update. After unlocking the Grotto Ranch Expansion, look for a cave on the far end to find a teleporter (that leads to the Indigo Quarry for those that unlocked it. You can pick them up and find them in your inventory. At least this is an easy one. The final Paoemarch is hiding in a house at the Farm of Elais, on the southeast tip of Delos Island.

1 new Pod was also added. Additionally, Treasure Crackers are necessary to open them. Easy to find, Where the Grey crystals are after passing through the hallowed coral tube. Leave the two Captains and Polemarch for last, especially if you can't kill the captains with a single stealth attack, and then finish off the location objectives. When you unlock the Overgrowth expansion, you'll find a semi-new opening leading to a new area, Dry Reef: Blue Pod 4 (2 Deep Brine & 1 Lava Dust). Required fields are marked *, Watch Dogs Legion free Prestige Operative El Rubius…, Beekeeper in Watch Dogs Legion is a type…, Change in-game time in Watch Dogs Legion is…. The gosunoob.com content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of gosunoob.com. Read all of Casey's Letters in your mailbox at your house.

It is only visible to you. Paros Island - Fortified Marble Quarry (Sculptor’s Elysium) Pephka - Fort Lato (Minotaur Hills) Phokis - Desphina Fort (Hill of the Sacred War) Please let me know if I've missed any and I'll add them to the list -- Lakonia is noticeably missing but I don't recall ever finding one there. Now if you took either of the paths from the Slime Gates in the Glass Desert. The Ainigmata Ostraka is at the top of the building on a terrace. The Indigo Quarry map node is located inside the cave where you find the first Rock Gordo. While most are cosmetic decorations of the various plant and rock formations there are some more useful things like Warp Depots and Teleporters, and who know what else in the future for Slime Rancher, (Moved to its own section because apparently everyone missed this >_<). Stand on the very edge of the cliff and look down. Indigo Quarry: Treasure Vault (21 Black Pods = 141 Gold Plorts), Ancient Ruins: Green Pod 1 (Sunburst Tree), Ancient Ruins: Blue Pod 1 (3 Spiral Steam), Ancient Ruins: Black Pod 1 (2 Deep Brine, 1 Lava Dust), Ancient Ruins: Blue Pod 2 (3 Slime Fossils), Ancient Ruins: Blue Pod 3 (Ruined Pillar), Ancient Ruins: Green Pod 2 (Verdant Grass Patch), Ancient Ruins: Black Pod 4 (2 Wild Honey, 1 Royal Jelly), Ancient Ruins: Blue Pod 5 (Star Flower Patch), Ancient Ruins: Black Pod 5 (Crystal Sconce), Ancient Ruins: Black Pod 6 (2 Indigonium, 1 Strange Diamond), Ancient Ruins: Blue Pod 6 (Advanced Gordo Snare), Glass Desert: Blue Pod 1 (Butterscotch Slime Lamp), Glass Desert: Black Pod 1 (Berry Teleporter), Glass Desert: Blue Pod 1 (Ruined Desert Blocks), Glass Desert: Black Pod 2 (3 Gold Plorts), Glass Desert: Black Pod 3 (Master Apiary), Glass Desert: Blue Pod 3 (Ruined Desert Column), Glass Desert: Black Pod 5 (Fiery Glass Sculpture), Glass Desert: Black Pod 6 (3 Gold Plorts), (Continuation from the Last Treasure Pod), Glass Desert: Black Pod 9 (Cocoa Warp Depot), Glass Desert: Blue Pod 5 (Cocoa Slime Lamp), (Starting off from the Last Pod Location), Glass Desert: Black Pod 10 (Thundering Glass Sculpture). If you followed the main path of these (mentioned in Blue Pods 4 & 5 that we did NOT take in those sections).

x2* But for other readers, we are heading to the Tabby Gordo near the last Pod. Indigo Quarry: Blue Pod 5 (Green Slime Lamp), Indigo Quarry: Blue Pod 6 (3 Slime Fossils). This is SPARTAAAA! Continuing from the last Pod or down the main path. If you teleport there, all you have to do is head east and slightly to the north.


The first of the Premium Treasure Pods is right behind the 1st Pink Gordo.

Treasure 2 - there is a little window up behind the big statue inside the temple. The body-filled pit mentioned in the clue is found at the quarry, not to far from a statue of Agrotera.

1. Suenites Quarry show the map Related quests: Paint the Sand Red. Dry Reef: Green Pod 5 (Coral Grass Patch). 16*18 with the Secret Style Pack installed. I doubt that there’s much need to explain where Mykonos is, considering that you’re likely already there. The pit will be near the edge of the quarry, close to the water. The same location of the Hobson letter in the regular Moss Blanket saying how he built an exit out. You’ll spot the pit with the dead slaves at the bottom fairly easily from this vantage point. The email address for your Ubisoft account is currently: We have sent you an e-mail to enable you to verify your email address. x4 GTA Online Peyote Plant Map Locations – Cactus Animals. Use Ikaros to locate the commander and location objectives and clear out the archers and light soldiers before dealing with the Captain or Polemarch. Fully updated to 1.2 including the Vaults, Wilds, Nimble Valley and the Slimeulation, v0.4.0 - Slime Science update. This page lists all of the available Treasure Pods in The Indigo Quarry, including Crystal Volcano and Ash Isle. Sword Kits – Ghost of Tsushima Pillars of Honor Locations, GTA Online Peyote Plant Map Locations – Cactus Animals, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Legendary Chest Map Locations, Zelda Breath of the Wild Shrine Locations Map – Find & Complete all 120, Free Prestige Operative Watch Dogs Legion, Defalt Mask Watch Dogs Legion – Private Party at 2AM Club, Ubisoft Connect Activation Code for Epic Games Store – Watch Dogs Legion, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Kill Monger in Theater or Cave – Monger Down. It’s basically a military camp in the southernmost point of Mykonos. You are wrong, we still got one more to grab from a v0.4.2 update.

2 x Loot Treasure. 3 x Burn War Supplies.

If you already know where the Phosphor Gordo is then just look there for the pod. The good news is that this area is fairly large and the soldiers are spread out, often allowing you to sneak through and stealth kill them individually. This guide is kind of frustrating for me, because I'm currently using the Fandom's Pod map, which has no numbers like you have assigned to them.

This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. 1 people found this helpful Reply . Make your way to the farm and eliminate the soldiers, including a Captain, and then complete the location objectives, as well as finding the Ainigmata Ostraka: Needle in a Haystack. Drop down to the bottom, and climb the ladder into the carpeted “office space”, with the desks and such. Home » Assassin's Creed Odyssey » Marbled Morale Riddle Solution – Porphyrion Cave Ainigmata Ostraka Location – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. In order to create threads, posts, and interact with the Ubisoft forums you need to have a Ubisoft account with a verified email address. Since there is also an official Pod Count and the 2 Slime Sea Pods are confirmed NOT to be a part of Moss Blanket or Dry Reef's List. Salamis Marble Quarry show the map 1 x Kill Captain. Before starting, it is recommended to activate The Indigo Quarry's Map Data Node to unlock terrain details on the World Map.

It’s basically a military camp in the southernmost point of Mykonos.

Of course, you can also murder everyone in sight, if you’d prefer.

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