Degemeret e vo en ur sirk evel marc'hegerez. [20] A significant update was the conversion from K&R C to ANSI C89.

Enchanted by the tall, dark, and lovely Margaretha, MacLeod married her in 1895, and moved her to Dutch-controlled Java. Hag ennañ e c'haller lenn : « Traoù a-bouez a reas Mata Hari evit Alamagn, kas a reas lizheroù evit titourerien a oa o chom en estrenvro pe e broioù hag a oa enebourien deomp... Mata hari a anaveze mat danvez an arme, dre ma oa bet summet e-barzh unan eus hor skolioù kelaouiñ gwellañ... Ur spierez a-feson e oa anezhi.

Pa zistroas da Europa e tremenas un nebeud mizioù e den Haag, eno e tispartias diouzh he gwaz hag a oa ul lonker feuls.

They met each other during World War I. Vadim was 21 years old, and she was 40. She agreed and planned to seduce a German General and get him to spill military secrets. She obtained a divorce and had her child returned to her, but MacLeod refused to pay any support. It contains features not available in Yacc, such as reentrancy, which is implemented in a way that is broadly compatible with GNU Bison.[4][5]. Kemmoù diwezhañ degaset d'ar bajenn-mañ d'an 1 Eos 2020, da 11:08. In 1985, Robert Corbett developed an original LALR parser generator based on a 1982 paper by DeRemer and Pennello.

Great spies are anonymous—as any fule kno. Fuzuilhet eo bet e Frañs e-pad ar Brezel-bed kentañ peogwir e soñje d'an arme c'hall e oa ur spierez.

Ne voe kavet prouenn splann ebet, nemet produioù louzaouiñ en he sac'h-dorn.

Publicity Listings Due to its liberal license and because it was faster than the AT&T Yacc, it quickly became the most popular version of Yacc.

E-pad nevezamzer 1905 e teuas da vezañ brudet a-drugarez d'he ferzh evel dañsourez erotek hag a-vaez-bro dindan an anv Mata Hari, hag a dalvez "heol" e maleg.

She got the permission with the condition to spy on the Germans.

Racing to their nursery, she found her son and daughter had been poisoned, probably by an angry servant. [20], In 2014, Tom Shields integrated BtYacc backtracking into Berkeley Yacc effectively subsuming BtYacc and again supporting C (instead of only C++) in Dickey releases since April 2014. Margaretha fell into a deep depression that was only worsened by MacLeod's blaming her for Norman's death. MacLeod's philandering and bad temper strained their marriage, and even the birth of their second child could not repair the damage done.

James Bond would never have made a great spy because too many of his enemies knew his identity. Berkeley Yacc (byacc) is a Unix parser generator designed to be compatible with Yacc.It was originally written by Robert Corbett and released in 1989. By 1918, it would claim the lives of thousands of people—including Mata Hari. Margaret Zelle a voe ganet e Leeuwarden (Friz). He caught onto her and sent false messages claiming that she was in fact a German spy. However, her files note there was never any evidence that she passed on anything of military importance to German intelligence.

Anzav a reas e laboure evit Frañs. She performed her act for the final time exactly 10 years later, March 13, 1915.

It was originally written by Robert Corbett and released in 1989. E 1931 e teuas er-maez ul levr anvet "L'Espionnage pendant la guerre mondiale". Dilezet e voe gant he c'haredig ivez, Vadim Maslov e anv, hag a embannas e oa-hi ur « rederez-vro ». | 

While their daughter Jeanne Louise (called "Non", a Malay name) survived, her elder brother Norman was not so fortunate.

[7][8] It was originally named Byson and was incompatible with Yacc but it was subsequently renamed Bison and became the basis of GNU Bison. En Europa a-bezh e roas abadennoù neuze, hag ur seurt mojenn a ziwanas : ganet e vije bet e Java, ha war an enezenn-se he dije desket dañsal ha pediñ Chiva. In 1916 Maslov was shot down in a dogfight with German planes. Fellout a rae dezhi en em veñjiñ ivez rak ur wech e oa bet furchet c'hoariva Berlin gant an Alamaned ha kemeret o doa holl he dilhad feur-loened, hag a dalveze 80 000 lur gall en holl. They met each other during World War I. Vadim was 21 years old, and she was 40.

Her first name, Margaretha, came from her paternal grandmother; her middle name, Geertruida, came from her paternal great-grandmother. She fell in love with a young Russian officer named Vadim Maslov. E miz Genver 1917 e kasas kargad alaman e Madrid, major Kell e anv, ur gemennadenn skingomz da Verlin. Gallout a reer soñjal ivez e labouras dreist-holl evit an Emglev : azalek dibenn 1916 e voe karedig ur c'habiten rusian a laboure evit Frañs hag a oa anvet Vadim Maslov. "SovInformBureau" - Phonetic Keyboard (англ.

|  They carry out their work covertly. D'an 13 a viz C'hwevrer 1917 e voe furchet he c'hambr er Champs-Élysées gant ar servijoù gall. While getting ready for bed on June 27 1899, Margaretha heard her children screaming. Two children: Norman John (30 January 1897 - 28 June 1899) and Jeanne Louise MacLeod (2 May 1898 - 10 August 1919), It was claimed at her trail that her activities caused the deaths of 50,000 Allied soldiers. [2] Due to its liberal license and because it was faster than the AT&T Yacc, it quickly became the most popular version of Yacc.

A rule parsed but rejected by semantic information can be rolled back, so that the parser can try another rule.

However, she was arrested by British intelligence and interrogated by Scotland Yard, who were convinced she was actually a spy for the Germans. He was badly injured on the Western Front. Azalek fin ar brezel e voe kinniget evel gouzañverez digablus gant an Alamaned, hag e voe embannet n'he doa biskoazh labouret evit o servijoù spiañ.

No one claimed her body after her execution. [1] There was discussion about renaming it and by October 1989 it had become known as Berkeley Yacc (byacc).

Shared her birthday with her paternal aunt, Minke.

While trying to visit her lover, a Russian officer named Vadim Maslov, Margaretha was approached by Georges Ladoux, a French army captain, who asked her to spy on the Germans. Mata Hari asked to see her lover convalescing in Vittel. Kinnig a reas dezhi implijout he darempredoù hag hec'h aezamantoù da veajiñ a-benn labourat evit Frañs. En ur poull boutin e voe taolet al ludu.

D'an 2 a viz Gwengolo 1916, e-keit ma oa o klask kaout un tremen-hent a-benn mont da Vittel, e kejas dre zegouezh gant ar c'habiten Ladoux, hag eñ e penn servijoù enep-spierezh gall.

Born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle on August 7 1876, the only daughter of a Dutch hat-maker, she seemed unlikely to later become the Mata Hari, the most infamous double agent in spy history. A-raok mervel he dije huchet : "Pegen izkis boazioù ar C'hallaoued : lazhañ an dud da vare tarzh-an-deiz!" [6] Corbett wrote it as part of his research towards the Ph.D. he received from University of California, Berkeley in June 1985. Ne ouezer ket hag-eñ e livas gevier pe hag-eñ e laboure evit ar servijoù gall e gwirionez.

She was convicted that summer of spying for an enemy nation and sentenced to death. She refused a blindfold and blew one last kiss to her killers.

Klask a reas Margaret dont da vezañ skolaerez. In 1915, she asked permission to visit her lover, Captain Vadim Maslov, a Russian pilot flying with the French, at a hospital in the Hague.

While trying to visit her lover, a Russian officer named Vadim Maslov, Margaretha was approached by Georges Ladoux, a French army captain, who asked her to spy on the Germans. In 1916, when Maslov was wounded in battle, she asked permission to visit him in a hospital in Hague. Kastizet e voe d'ar marv, ha fuzuilhet d'ar 15 a viz Here 1917, d'an oad a 41 bloaz, e fozioù kastell Vincennes.

Spoke Dutch, German, English, French, and Malay, the native tongue of Java. Lodennet e voe gant ar studierien, ha devet da-heul. Slunce, hindsky „mātā hari“, tj. ",,, "BTYACC -- yacc with backtracking and inherited attributes", "A Backtracking LR Algorithm for Parsing Ambiguous Context-Dependent Languages", "Version 1.1 of BtYacc (Backtracking Yacc) is available", "BtYacc: BackTracking Yacc Parser Generator",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 May 2020, at 17:31.

Has a permanent exhibit at the Fries Museum (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands). Debuted her exotic dance act as "Mata Hari" at the Musée Guimet (Paris) on March 13, 1905.

Was watched by British secret government agency MI5 from 1915-1917. After failing to find another maintainer, Dickey has maintained Berkeley Yacc since February 2002. En ur veskañ anezho e vefe bet tu da fardañ liv diwelus. The girl agreed. Her husband Rudolph MacLeod was a son of Baroness Dina Louisa Sweerts de Landas, whose cousin. Greta Garbo eo an aktourez a c'hoari perzh Mata Hari er film-se.

However, historian. Painfully self-conscious of her small bosom at a time when full-figured women were the ideal, she would not remove the breast cups she wore in her act before intimacy, telling lovers that her ex-husband bit her nipples off in a fit of brutality. Mata Hari had fallen for a Russian pilot named Captain Vadim Maslov, whom she’d met in Paris. [13][14] It offers backtracking and semantic disambiguation for parsing ambiguous grammar. She agreed and planned to seduce a German General and get him to spill military secrets. » E 1937 e lakaas Fräulein Schragmüller (lesanvet « dimezell mezegez »)embann hec'h eñvorennoù buhez. The girl agreed. ». A-benn chom e diavaez an emgannoù ez eas d'an Izelvroioù dre ar Rouantelezh-Unanet ha Spagn. After their move to Sumatra, a terrible tragedy occurred that would finally end their marriage. In 1916, when Maslov was wounded in battle, she asked permission to visit him in a hospital in Hague. Dernière modification le 1 Eos 2020, à 11:08,, an Aotre-Implijout Creative Commons Dereiñ/Kenrannañ diouzh an hevelep divizoù.

It has the advantages of being written in ANSI C89 and being public domain software.

Hi a lavaras he doa bet an argant-se goude ur pennad plijadur gantañ, padal ec'h embannas ar varnerien e oa un digoll goude bezañ roet « titouroù », met ne lavarjont ket peseurt titouroù e oa. His wife fell in love with Java, and wore native sarongs, learned the local language, and watched local dancers. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. There she became an exotic dancer, choosing the Malay term "matahari" (Eye of the Sun) as her stage name. Mata Hari (malajsky „oko nového svítání“, tj.

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