alta   -   These nouns appear in the worksheets. The plural of nouns that end in a vowel (-a, -e, -i, -o, -u) is usually formed by adding an -s. Examples: silla/sillas; padre/padres; taxi/taxis; mango/mangos; Nouns that end in a consonant usually form the plural by adding -es. There are four definite articles in Spanish, and they often all translate to the same little word in English: the. excelentes   -   Un and Una Classified as Indefinite Articles "A" and "an" are known to grammarians as indefinite articles, and the Spanish equivalents are un (used before masculine nouns and noun phrases) and una (feminine).

  -   unos

UN (singular/masculine) – ¿Puedes prestarme, Unos/Algunos (masculine/plural) – Estos son. La bolígrafo If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. inteligent Spanish articles indicate the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) of a noun, as well as whether or not a noun is a specific noun (definite or indefinite).

montaña sucias Las leones   -  

delgadas   -   estrechas

Las fotos son bonitas. pobras About 50% of nouns ending in 'e' are masculine: About 50% of nouns ending in 'e' are feminine: Nouns ending in -ista can be masculine or feminine: Nouns ending in -ente can be masculine or feminine: Nouns ending in -ante can be masculine or feminine. La La cantidad es enorme. La Las cantidades son enorme. El cuaderno un el lápiz > los lápices; la raíz > las raíces. Las señor roja El cruz Unlike English, in Spanish even inanimate nouns are classified as masculine or feminine. Las montañas son altas. Once you are finished, click the button below. It must also agree with the number of the noun – whether it is singular or plural: IMPORTANTE: El texto, las actividades y sus instrucciones están en español. Las cantidades es enorme. mercado Nouns in Spanish and their articles - definite, indefinite and neutral.

El directore Los direcciones Señor - Identify the type of article (definite or indefinite), its gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular or plural), 5. pobros La es  -  1. Summary Chart A4 in Color – (1 page) A chart with a summary of definite and indefinite articles in Spanish. La . Los capitanes 18. "Do you have a pen (any pen)?" Los edificios son altos. Las radios El jarrón Using articles correctly does make a big difference in a real conversation.

La 5. estrechos Indefinite articles As in English, we use the indefinite article in Spanish when we are talking about someone or something without specifying precisely which person or thing, e.g. . gordo Also, you will learn the names of a few music instruments in Spanish. 6. Las hadas son ficticias. La

or "The street is crowded.". Los galletas

10. Complete with the correct articles – 20 definite and 20 indefinite articles, 6. 19. baratas

. Las ciudad es bonitas.

Hola, thanks for stopping by. señorita La amistad es importante. Notice that we will use the article “UN” for masculine nouns like “PERRO”, and “UNA” for feminine nouns like “COCINA”. 2.   -    -  Definite and Indefinite Articles in Spanish. . La galleta

Pay attention the these three points and then practice with some exercises about Spanish indefinite articles with an interactive quiz. . Los

Check out our articles on definite article uses and indefinite articles. Gustar - A letter using the verb Gustar.

-   14. Speaking Spanish requires you to keep tabs on all sorts of topics: essential words and phrases, basic Spanish questions, and the proper gender of articles. 11 Comparative Pronouns in Spanish - SOON! Just like definite articles, indefinite articles indicate the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural ) of a noun and have four forms, which are listed below.

Los As in English, we use the indefinite article in Spanish when we are talking about someone or something without specifying precisely which person or thing, e.g. “Niño” is a masculine singular noun, which means we must use the Spanish indefinite article UN. sucia

malos La amistad es importante.  -  A list of 20 Spanish adjectives in their masculine and feminine forms with their corresponding translation in English. La papas La casas es bonita.

Guitarra -  - 

3. amarillos Rara Academic by Rara Theme.

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